Our work and projects are intended to millions of lightworkers, love beings, indigo & crystal adults, and warriors of light on the planet.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Worldwide Healing Centers

I intend to create powerful healing centers/light centers in California & New York City.
I intend to create powerful healing centers/light centers in North America.
I intend to create powerful healing centers/light centers in South America.
I intend to create powerful healing centers/light centers in Africa.
I intend to create powerful healing centers/light centers in Europe.
I intend to create powerful healing centers/light centers in Asia.
I intend to create powerful healing centers/light centers in Australia.

Luxury Retreats & Vacations

I love luxurious environments!
I like rich living!
I intend to visit plush resorts, 5-star vacation spots, etc on the regular basis.

The Hamptons
Martha's Vineyard

Sacred Sites I Intend to Visit

I intend to visit all the continents.
I intend to vacation and go on retreats often.
I enjoy all kinds of landscapes.
I want it all!
Sacred Sites in:
Mt. Shasta, California
The Great Pyramids, Egypt
Manchu Piccu, Peru
New Zealand
Devil's Tower, Wyoming
Vodou shrines, Haiti

Devotee Of The Great Mother Goddess

As a priestess of The Goddess, she has dedicated her life & work to working with light & love vibrations and being an ambassador of The Divine Feminine.

She focused many years on healing & facing her own fears, lower beliefs, and illusions so she could hold more light & know The Divine from a clearer place of being.

As a solitary white witch, Ten Nebula took her vows to The Goddess years ago.

She is grateful to all her helpers & teachers.

Learn more, visit
The Ways of The Goddess - http://thewaysofthegoddess.blogspot.com/
Sacred Teachings About The Goddess Craft- http://www.tennebula.wordpress.com

My Daily Spiritual Practice

I love my practice.
I like having it and allowing it to bring me back to a place of clarity, my center, and my soul's truth.
It affects all aspects of my life.
I like to bring my practice wherever I go.
My daily practice in my life now consists of:

1. walking
2. meditation
3. chanting
4. prayerwork
5. vegetarian diet
6. breathwork
7. visualization
8. healing arts work

Learn more, visit
Spiritual Awareness: Cultivating A Daily Spiritual Practice - http://adailyspiritualpractice.blogspot.com/

My Favorite Movies

I love films!
I love great acting!
I love films that are original!
Here are my favs:

The Matrix
2001: A Space Odyssey

Dirty Dancing
I Am Legend
Rose Red

The Mist of Avalon

The Sound of Music

Black Swan



When did I realize I wanted to be a healer?

I always knew I wanted to help people.
When I received my second Reiki Attunement, it became clearer to me that I really enjoyed the healing arts. I gave many people Reiki treatments & attunements. I focused lots of time on healing my own shadows and learning about my own ego & habits. After that, I studied various techniques and spirit guided me to more shamanic & psychic healing work. I have love the healing arts ever since.